PSSPL has been leveraging technology for real-time governance to enable effective and efficient service delivery to
the citizens. With rising demand of Drone Survey, PSSPL intends to expand the utilization of drones in various
sectors such as police, mining, municipal administration & urban development, agriculture & allied sectors, disaster
management, survey, tourism, project/asset monitoring, HT Line Inspection, etc.
Our GIS Professional capture aerial data with downward-facing sensors, such as RGB or multispectral cameras, and
LIDAR payloads. During a survey with an RGB camera, the ground is photographed several times from different angles, and each image is tagged with coordinates. Photogrammetry combines images that contain the same point
on the ground from multiple vantage points to yield detailed 2D and 3D maps. From this data, a photogrammetry software can create geo-referenced orthomosaics, elevation models or 3D models of the project area. These maps can
also be used to extract information such as highly accurate distances or volumetric measurements. Unlike manned aircraft or satellite imagery, drones can fly at a much lower altitude, making the generation of high-resolution, highaccuracy
data, much faster, less expensive and independent of atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover GIS in the field of Drone Technology
We Prakhar Software Solutions Private Limited provide manpower support for executing the DRONE related
service and governance, intends to empanel drone service providers for providing drone based services to
government departments such as Police, Mining, Municipal Administration & Urban Development & Town
Planning, Smart City Planning, Environment and Forest, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Land Records, Road & Highways,
Agriculture & Area for Plantation, Identification of Grey Area / Encroachment / Inaccessible Area, Identification of
Lad for SEZs & allied sectors, Rescue & Disaster Management, Survey, Tourism, Identification of New Tourism
Spots, Identification of Area for State Level Events, Project / Asset Monitoring, Power etc. The service provider is
expected to undertake the drone based surveys, capture high resolution images / videos, prepare 2D maps & 3D
models and other analytics based outputs which can facilitate effective real-time governance with the following:-
GIS mapping - Multispectral Imaging - Ortho-mosaic Generation - DSM, DEM and DTM - Surveillance and
Reconnaissance - Progress Monitoring of Projects with Geo Tagged Progress data.